2012年5月31日 星期四


no cheating(不要作弊)

A:I will win
B:No cheating.

Or Don't play dirty games

Do as I say(照我的話去做)

A:Are you sure it's OK?
B:Do as I say! You'll make a bomb.

Or Do as I told you

Don't be hasty(別催)

A:We'll be late.
B:Don't be hasty.

Or Take it easy

Don't you dare...(你竟敢)

A:Old bag.
B:Don't you dare say it to me?

Or How dare you are

Get going(走開)

A:I wanna have a talk with you.
B:Get going. It's all over.

Or Fuck off

Get lost(滾開)

A:It's all your fault.
B:I don't want to see you anymore. Get lost!

Or beat it/vamoose/scram

Get out of my way(滾開)

A:Can you give me some coins, sir?
B:Get out of my way. I'm busy,can't you see?

Or Get going

Go away(走開)

A:You should help your little brother.
B:Go away. It's not my business.

Or Get out of my way

Go away(走開)

A:You should help your little brother.
B:Go away. It's not my business.

Or Get out of my way

Go away(走開)

A:You should help your little brother.
B:Go away. It's not my business.

Or Get out of my way

Go away(走開)

A:You should help your little brother.
B:Go away. It's not my business.

Or Get out of my way

Go away(走開)

A:You should help your little brother.
B:Go away. It's not my business.

Or Get out of my way

Go jump in a lake(滾遠點)

A:Do you want to buy some for your wife, sir?
B:I'm busy. Why don't you go jump in a lake?

Or take a hike

Hold it(慢著)

A:Mom, the bowl has a hole.
B:Hold it! I'll give you another one.

Or Wait a minute

Hold it down(安靜一點)

A:It's very noisy here. I can't sit still and study.
B:Hey, hold it down. My friend needs quiet space for her quiz

Or Pipe down

keep (someone) in (one's) place (叫某人安份點)

A:The baby is crying. No one can keep him in his places?
B:I'll take care of him.

Or Make (someone) quiet

Keep your hands to yourself(不要亂摸)

A:Mom, look at the mummy.
B:Keep your hands to yourself.

Or Keep your hands out of that

Keep your nose out of this(少管閒事)

A:Is Jam selling drugs?
B:Keep your nose out of this.

Or Keep out of this

Look with your eyes and not with your hands(眼看手勿動)

A:Wow, is the robot real?
B:Look with your eyes and not with your hands.

Or Look but don't touch

Mind your own business(少管閒事)

A:You shouldn't park here, young man
B:Mind your own business.

Or It's none of your business.

On the right train but the wrong track(走的方向錯了)

A:Why does the business go down?
B:You're on the right train but the wrong track.

Or go on the wrong way

take your position(各就各位)

A:Girls, take your positions. Light--camera--action.

Or go to the right place

warm up(熱身)

A:Before you run, don't forget to warm up first.

