2012年5月31日 星期四



take issue with someone(verb phrase)向某人/事提出爭論

take someone to task(verb phrase)責罵

take a page from(verb phrase)仿傚/借鏡

take a toll on(verb phrase)做成損失

take it in stride(verb phrase)以平常心態面對

to have what it takes(verb phrase)有這樣的條件

tall order(verb phrase)難履行的任務

tall story(noun phrase)荒唐的故事

tar with the same brush(verb phrase)一竹竿打一船人

tell me about it(verb phrase)母須多説

TLC(tender loving care)呵護備至

it comes/goes with the territory食得鹹魚抵得渴

TGIF!(thank god it's Friday)謝天謝地

Thinking man's(noun phrase)有思考的

throw away remark/comment(noun phrase)不經意道出的説話


Throw the baby out with the bathwater(saying)做事不分輕重

throw the book at(verb phrase)警告某人須按規定辦事

throw somebody/thing under the bus(verb phrase metaphorical)由他受罪放棄他

be tickled pink(verb phrase)使人十分開心

not to give someone the time of day(verb phrase)不予理會


touch-and-go(coll adj phrase)一觸即發/無可逆料

a touch of(noun phrase)有少許

touche(interjection French)一矢中的,承認對方言之有理

trial balloon(noun)試探

Two's company, three's a crowd(saying)兩人為伴,三人添亂

