open
up
a
can
of
worms(verb
phrase)做某事帶來不可逆料的後果
make
a
case(verb
phrase)足夠理據
set
a
cat
among
the
pigeons(verb
phrase)有意造成混亂
catch-as-catch-can(adv
phrase)盡量把握時機
catch-22(noun
phrase)進退兩難
cherry-pick(verb
phrase)對自己有利的選擇
(when
the)
chips
are
down(adj
phrase)關鍵性的時刻
chomping
at
the
bit(verb
phrase)迫不及待開始工作
clock-watcher(noun
phrase)按時下班的懶人
close
ranks(verb
phrase)團結對外
(play)
close
to
one's
chest/vest(verb
phrase)不揭露自己的底線
on
cloud
nine(noun
phrase)極快樂
clueless(adj)毫無頭緒
cold
comfort(noun
phrase)不切實際的安慰
cold
shoulder(verb
phrase)冷漠對待某人
comeuppance(noun)罪有應得
con
man/artist(noun)騙子
connect
the
dots(verb
phrase)估計多方面的觀察而得到結論
that's
how
the
cookie
crumbles(saying)事情就是這樣的
cop
out(verb
phrase)因恐懼而逃避
couch
potato(noun)整天看電視懶洋洋的人
count
one's
blessings(verb
phrase)要知足不要怨天尤人
(not)
all
it's
cracked
up
to
be(adj
phrase)並不像想像中的真理
cronyism(derogatory)裙帶關係主義
crash
course(noun
phrase)速成班
cross
one's
mind(verb
phrase)(指想法)出現掠過
at
cross
purpose(adv
phrase)相互誤解
when
it
comes
to
the
crunch(adv
phrase)(當關鍵事刻到達時)
culture
shock(noun
phrase)文件衝擊
culture
vulture(noun
phrase
derogatory)附庸風雅的人
cut
someone
some
slack(verb
phrase)對人不要太苛求
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