2012年5月31日 星期四


A man who needs no introduction(家喻戶曉的人物)

A:I know him.
B:Of course! He's a man who needs no introduction.

Or (He's) very famous

fucking(moron, asshole)(討厭鬼)

A:Peter is over there with flowers. Maybe he wants to say “sorry” to you.
B:He's fucking moron and two-timer.

Or He's a fucker.

(someone be) good for nothing(是個廢物)

A:Zed had a fight and got hurt last night.
B:He is really good for nothing.

Or He's a loser

guys and gals(各位)

A:Hey,guys and gals, it's time for the rock-and-roll party.

Or Guys and dolls

a taxpayer(納稅人)

A:I'm taxpayer in the country, and why can't I park my car here?
B:Don't you see the sign there? “NO PARKING”

Or I'm tax-paying citizen

a lazy bum(懶鬼)

A:Why does Frank support his family?
B:His father is a lazy bum

Or a lazy bone

Monday morning quarterbacking(馬後炮的人)

A:If you had bought that stock, you would have been rich.
B:You're Monday morning quarterbacking.

(He's) out in left field(局外人)

A:Can Peter join us?
B:No, he is out in left field.

A pain in the ass(麻煩人物)

A:How do you think of his brother?
B:He's a pain in the ass.

Or a pain in the neck

a party pooper(掃興的人)

A:Ted is such a party pooper.
B:Next time don't invite him to the party.

Or a wet blanket

a sitting duck(儍瓜)

A:Hey, do you want to buy my car?
B:I'm not a sitting duck.

Or You're hitting the books

a skirt-chaser(花花公子)

A:Do you happened to know Andrew?
B:Of course. He's a well-known skirt-chaser.

Or He's a lady-killer

a small potato(小人物)

A:I've been waiting for Mr. Big for 6 hours in his office.
B:You're a small potato. He wanted to give you a hard time.

Or You're nobody

son of the bitch(狗娘養的)

A:You son of a bitch, how could you do this to me?
B:I'm sorry.

Or S.O.B

a third wheel(電燈泡)

A:Your brother will go with you.
B:No, I don't want to have a third wheel on my first date.

Or a fifth wheel

(be) tied to (someone's) apron strings(受母親或妻子支配的男人)

A:Jack is tied to his mother's apron strings.
B:So that's why Betty left?

(Every) Tom, Dick and Harry(張三李四)

A:Who will go to party?
B:Tom, Dick, and Harry.

A trouble maker(惹事生非的人)

A:Where is the trouble maker?
B:She's grounded and stayed upstairs.

Or a nuisance

(be) two-faced(雙面人)

A:Don't believe what Grace says, She's two-faced.
B:Well, it's new to me.

Or a tongue-in-cheek

(to) wear the pants in the family(一家之主)

A:Jane wears the pants in the family
B:No wonder!

Or She takes care of the family

a wet blanket(澆人冷水的人)

A:It's impossible for you to finish it.
B:Hey, don't be a wet blanket.

Or a party pooper

a whistle blower(打小報告的人)

A:Don't tell her anything. She's a whistle blower.
B:I'll keep that in mind.

Or a double-crosser

a yes-man(應聲蟲)

A:My husband is a yes -man. Whatever his mother says, he always saysYES
B:Except for it, he's a very nice man.

You devil (you)(你這魔鬼/男女調情用的用語)

A:Move out my house and never be back.
B:You devil.

