gaffe(noun)失控/失言
gainsay(verb)質疑/懷疑動機
game(adj)夠膽識
name
of
the
game(noun
phrase)遊戲規則
a
whole
new
ball
game/game
change(noun
phrase)變天
garden
variety(adj
phrase)普通的
-gate(suffix)醜聞事件的後綴
gate-crasher(noun
phrase)不請自來的客人
genie
out
of
the
bottle(verb
phrase)開了壞先例會帶來不良後果
get
one's
goat(verb
phrase)激怒或使某苦惱
gift
of
(the)
gab(noun
phrase)健談的天才
gild
the
lily(verb
phrase)錦上添花
give
me
a
break(exclamation)不要胡扯
from
the
world
go(adj
phrase)一開始
goes
to
show(verb
phrase)事實証明
go
for
broke(verb
phrase)孤注一擲
go
with
the
flow(verb
phrase)從善如流
glass
ceiling(noun
phrase)女性傳統的晉升障礙
to
treat
someone
with
kid
gloves(verb
phrase)以温和手法對付某人
move
the
goalposts(verb
phrase)改變原有已接受的條件
gofer(noun
American
slang)雜工
at
one
go(noun
phrase)一下子
goody
two
shoes(noun
phrase)十分純潔的女子
goof
off(verb
phrase)偷懶
cook
one's
goose(verb
phrase)使某人失敗
gotcha(American
slang)你當場被抓了
There,but
for
the
Grace
of
God,
go
(saying)眼見他人不幸遭遇而感到自身慶幸
against
one's
grain/against
the
grain(adj
phrase)違背個人原則
gravitas(noun
Latin)持重
ground(noun)道德高地
grounds(noun)理由
ground(verb)根據
ground(verb)(父母)禁制子女自由活動
groupie(noun)瘋狂的擁護者
grudge
match(noun
phrase)結怨的賽事
guru(noun
Hindu)大師
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