can't
hack
it(verb
phrase)不能勝任
hack(noun)没有原則的人
to
meet
one
halfway(verb
phrase)與某人妥協
hand
in
glove(adv
phrase)緊密合作(或狼狽為奸)
hang-up(noun
phrase)使心煩的事
by
happenstance(adv
phrase)湊巧
happy
medium(noun
phrase)中庸之道
heckle(verb)在公開場合以刁難手法對付演說者
hell感嘆詞
hell/heck
of
a(slang)加強語氣的(好或壞的事)
going
through
hell(verb
phrase)十分困苦
all
hell
broke
loose(verb
phrase)大混亂
come
hell
or
high
water(adv
phrase)不論什麼困難或情況
herd
instinct(noun
phrase)羊群心態
hiccup(noun)阻滯
high-brow(adj
phrase
derogatory)高深
high
horse(noun
phrase
derogatory)道德高地
verb
+
to
the
hilt(adv
phrase)徹底地
hit
the
ground
running(verb
phrase)即時付諸行動
hitch
a
ride(verb
phrase)搭順風車
hobby
horse(noun)不厭其煩(話題)
hog(verb)強霸
be
hoisted
my/with
one's
own
petard(idiom)自食其果
hold
water(verb
phrase)有理據
hold
one's
own(verb
phrase)比自己高(權力/財富)的人在辯論中能夠堅持立場
hold
someone's
feet
to
the
fire(verb
phrase)嚴厲公開諮詢
hook,
line,
and
sinker(adv
phrase)完全接受(受騙)
holier
than
thou(adj
phrase)自我清高
(to
eat)humble
pie(noun
phrase)賠罪
hype(noun)天花亂墜的宣傳
hype
up(verb
phrase
slang)言過其實的宣傳
hyped-up(adj
slang)過份興奮
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